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Forgiveness – Through this gentle practice, forgive yourself and others as the first step in creating inner joy. Forgiveness is a major step in moving forward and releasing the self from hurt and pain. Absent it in our hearts, we can truly live and fully love. *A special thank you and blessing to David Kilowsky for creating the music for this meditation.

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CHARLES HOGG Charlie is the National Coordinator (Chief Executive) of The Brahma Kumarisin Australia,and the Chairman of its Board of Directors. He is based in Sydney and regularly visits the 40 BK venues around Australia. He is also an active member of the Brahma Kumaris international coordinating group, responsible for major international projects and the administrative direction of the organisation’s global network of centres. Charlie has been on a committed spiritual path for over 40 years. As a senior teacher of the Brahma Kumaris these days, he travels extensively and has visited more than 80 countries as a speaker at international conferences and BK public programs, including special guest at spiritual retreats; sharing his experiences of applying spirituality in daily life and also teaching meditation. From experience, he knows meditation is an extraordinary tool to maintain mental, emotional and spiritual health in a world increasingly challenged by anxiety, stress, greed and depression. Thank you to Eternity Ink for permission to use these meditation commentaries. For more life-enriching commentaries please see website: Copyright: Brahma Kumaris Australia. Contact email: