4.7/5 - (8 votes)
Phasellus eu sapien pretium, auctor turpis at, ornare tellus. Nam tristique consectetur nunc lobortis fringilla. Aliquam porta viverra consequat. Phasellus hendrerit gravida massa, at congue tellus ornare ut. Vestibulum quis nibh tincidunt, iaculis lectus sit amet, euismod nunc. Nunc eu lacus risus. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus dictum velit ligula. Maecenas mi nisl, fringilla eget scelerisque vitae, tristique in nibh. Maecenas quis convallis nulla.

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Sister Jayanti is also the Director of Brahma Kumaris activities in Europe and the Middle East. As a spiritual teacher for over 50 years, she has dedicated her life to self-transformation and service to humanity. Since 2009, she has led the Brahma Kumaris delegation to the UN Climate Change Conferences and spoken on many international platforms about spiritual perspectives on the environmental crisis. She continues to champion the co-operative role of spiritual organisations in creating a just and peaceful world, bringing spiritual principles to the discussion tables of nearly every stakeholder of our times. Sister Jayanti sees the erosion of spiritual values as the underlying cause of the crises the world is facing today.